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The Loss Of Our Hero

The Loss Of Our Hero
Words and Music by Sue Riley

The king was a wise man, beloved by all
His legend was carried afar.
In days of perfection, this castle stood tall
Oh, life was so good, life was good.

A prince and two princesses, around him they spun.
Reflecting the light of the land
The beat of his heart like the beat of a drum
Oh, life was so good, life was good.

Of mythic proportions the feasts that were held
The strum of the lutes held us bound.
The stones rang in wonder at music so fair.
As time drifted on, drifted on

In a flash of a moment, in the wink of an eye
His great heart gave out with a sigh.
The loss of our hero took us by surprise.
Oh, yes, we are sad, we are sad

A blanket of silence now covers the land.
The hearth once a glow, now stands cold.
So tearful the princess who once sang so fair
Oh, yes, we are sad, we are sad.

Who will now carry the banner held high?
To rally the strength of the land
To banish the dragons now circling the skies
And bring back our laughter and joy?

I will now shoulder this mantle and crown.
Perfection will reign once again.
Within my music the kings heart beats on
Life will be good, oh so good.
Life will be good, oh so good.

©2021/2024 Sue Riley